To help you get started easily, generic ‘Areas’ of Responsibility of any CXO are already filled here. In the below table (in notion it is called as a ‘Database), add your own ‘Areas’ (which you are currently working on) or plan to start working as per your personal/professional roles. e.g. Health; Finances, Professional Development; Travel; Hobbies; Friends; Apartment; Car; Productivity; Direct reports; Product Development; Writing. You need to map them to corresponding ‘projects’ using the ‘Project’ Page.

Click on the “+ New” below to create any Area. Fill all the Area details as per the columns ahead. Don’t fill anything in the ‘Projects’ Column. To add the correct project, go to ‘Projects’ page and add a new project and select the corresponding ‘Area’ from the table below. (In case your ‘project’ is not seen in the ‘projects’ table, you need to create a new project’ clicking on “+ New” on Projects page).

Last Review (Date) + Review Frequency (Number of days) = Next Review (Date)

Overdue will be ticked/unticked automatically as per the dates you fill above.

Main Area : Is only for your reference. You can add/edit/delete the same.
